Thomas Suarez

Thomas Suarez

United States

Rocket Italian
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The system, so far, seems good, though I dislike the way it's presented (e.g., the often "cute" wording and the constant exclamation points).
But I truly resent the constant spam from Rocket Languages that began the moment I paid, and that continue despite my making every attempt to unsubscribe.
And I hate the high-pressure sales technique and the "snake oil" methods of pushing the product. I was hard pressed to buy the program with how it was being marketed, and only the generally very favorable reviews, and the money-back guarantee, made me overlook the insulting marketing.
An email to Rocket explaining these opinions remains unanswered at writing.

Response from Rocket Languages

Response from Rocket Languages: Hi Thomas - I am sorry that you have an issue with our marketing. In saying that, every email does have an unsubscribe link.